Beyond the Walls

Beyond the Walls

What do we see when we look at a city like Northern Philadelphia? What do we think when our eyes glaze over the boarded up row homes and graffiti-laced buildings, or the discarded syringes and empty wax-paper packets scattered across the sidewalks?   I think...
The Physician as Image Bearer

The Physician as Image Bearer

Evangelism. So there is a lot of thinking I still have to do about how to carry this out in my daily medical practice. One concept which I had not really connected to bearing witness to Christ as a doctor – because we will not always receive a good opportunity to...
Warm and Welcoming!

Warm and Welcoming!

While at SMI, I’ve had the privilege to learn so much about a community which despite numerous tragedies has been welcoming. I am amazed to look into the eyes of someone who doesn’t know me, yet trusts me enough to invite me into their personal space – their home – to...
Usefully Weak

Usefully Weak

Prior coming to SMI, I fearfully wrestled with my inadequacy of medical experiences since I don’t start school until August for occupational therapy. The first week of SMI magnified the intense pride and self-reliance of my own abilities to feel capable for medical...