SMI Faculty

The SMI 2020 faculty providing teaching during our pandemic version of SMI Philadelphia.

SMI Philadelphia Faculty Information

Join us on June 21 – July 12, 2025

SMI Philly Faculty Vision Statement

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” (Jeremiah 29:7)

The Summer Medical Institute (Philadelphia) is a three –week outreach opportunity/urban missions trip in North Philadelphia run by Esperanza Health Center and Medical Campus Outreach. SMI Philly runs from June 21 – July 12, 2025. The purpose of the outreach is to allow healthcare students the opportunity to learn how their faith can be integrated in the daily practice of medicine.  During the three weeks, students will live and serve in North Philadelphia, providing health screening and teaching to those living in under-resourced neighborhoods.

We are seeking volunteer faculty members to work alongside the students.  Faculty will primarily provide mentorship and lead by example, though you might also have the opportunity to speak or teach on relevant subjects.  In order to serve as faculty, we are asking that you…

…have a strong testimony of the person and work of Jesus Christ in your own life.
…have a strong relationship with your local body of believers.
…have a background as a healthcare professional or have worked in ministry alongside healthcare professionals in the past.
…have a heart for imparting wisdom to the next generation of healthcare professionals.
…have a heart for the urban poor, especially those within the city of Philadelphia.

During SMI, faculty will join students in daily outreach (community health screening events), for meals, and for Bible study and mentorship.  Potential faculty who indicate an interest in sharing in a more formal setting (i.e. seminar/lecture/talk on various topics) may be asked to speak in the evening or during orientation or debriefing sessions.

Other notes: Most meals will be provided for faculty throughout the length of SMI Philly.  Faculty are asked to arrange their own transportation (non-reimbursable) to and from Philadelphia.  We will do our best to provide limited childcare if needed; please be sure to let us know it is needed as soon as possible. If serving at SMI is contingent on housing in the Philadelphia area, please contact the SMI Philly director and we will make every effort to accommodate you.

 Returning and New Faculty Applications

If you are interested and feel your gifts would benefit SMI Philly 2025, we invite you to apply by completing the faculty application. Returning faculty members can fill out an abbreviated application. Click the link below to be taken to the appropriate application for you.

Returning Faculty Application – for those who have been faculty at a past SMI

New Faculty Application – for those who have not been faculty at SMI 


Returning Faculty Application

  • Introduction and Dates

    We are so glad that you are interested in joining the 2024 SMI Philadelphia Team. Please be sure to follow all the steps below to complete your application. SMI Philly will be June 15 - July 6 in 2024. Faculty Application Steps: • Read the SMI Faculty Information below • Complete a Returning Faculty Application. Application deadline: We prefer to have you apply by April 15, but if your work schedule is not provided until a later date, please complete the application and provide us with specific dates by 6/3/24.Thank you for your willingness to serve at SMI!
  • Mission and Overview

    The mission of the Philadelphia Summer Medical Institute is to serve the community through medical outreach and to also equip Christian health profession students (medical, nursing, dental, pharmacy, etc.) to understand the issues of urban health care in low-income communities, teach them to share and integrate biblical principles in their chosen career path and while living in community, to provide them with biblical discipleship and professional mentoring throughout the three week program, ultimately providing them with the tools to impact their communities for Jesus Christ. The SMI is a three-week-long medical outreach for the community and program that teaches students how to integrate faith and career, providing life-changing training and experiences to its participants. Through workshops led by visiting faculty, discipleship groups, bible study, and personal application time, students develop a deeper understanding of biblical medicine while growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ and with their peers. The “lab practicum” is a medical outreach campaign to North Philadelphia. We will be spending the majority of each week going door to door in the community, but will also devote time to theological and ministry training. The summer begins with orientation and training in the areas of health care delivery, research protocol, and cultural issues. While final details are still being worked out, we will most likely be offering hypertension screenings, diabetes risk assessments and body mass index screenings, as well as integrated healthcare training. Integrated into our health survey are questions assessing spiritual needs. These often lead to opportunities to share about God's love and the Gospel. Together with local churches, SMI participants also take part in the spiritual follow-up of the families served, ensuring that those most interested connect with local churches for further spiritual care. We hope that faculty will be part of the door-to-door outreach and the medical and evangelism orientations that we will provide. We also hope that you will "hang out" with the students as much as possible and so participate in life-on-life mentorship and discipleship. You and your families are invited to join us at all meals and weekly activities (although it may not be advisable to take younger children on working outreaches, please talk with the director about this). If you would like to give a talk or lead a study on a certain issue please let us know that as well.
  • SMI 2023 Results

    Praise God for all the participants were able to do in 2023! The students were able to participate in many aspects of serving the community. In the neighborhood, the SMI team knocked on 1,913 doors were knocked on, 545 individuals were screened or prayed with, 47 people requested church follow-up, and one prayed to receive Christ.
  • History

    SMI began in 1992 when 35 students primarily from the Medical College of Georgia came to Philadelphia to invest their summer in growing in their faith in Christ while serving the medical and spiritual needs of the North Philadelphia community. Working in partnership with local churches and Esperanza Health Center, an indigenous, non-profit, Christian health center with an aggressive outreach within the Latino community, the SMI addressed in Philly many different medical and spiritual needs over the course of nine summers. SMI participants visited more than 66,000 homes in nine summers in Philadelphia and provided 17,000 immunizations and hundreds of screenings for lead, anemia, diabetes, hypertension and HIV. Participants also saw God bring many people into a relationship with Himself, with thousands more hearing the Gospel and discussing spiritual things. After nine summers in North Philadelphia, the SMI moved to the Rio Grande Valley in 2001. This SMI involved a multifaceted approach to training including a community-based health education and outreach campaign on both sides of the U.S. Mexico border. Since 1992, more than 600 students have graduated from SMI Philadelphia (and another 1,490 from other SMI-styled projects) and have served in more than 50 countries around the world. A vision of the SMI has been to reproduce similar projects around the world and God has raised up people to accomplish this. In recent years there have been similar projects in Augusta, Chicago, Dallas, Peru, San Bernardino, Vancouver, WA, Venezuela, Indonesia, Kenya, Bangladesh, Philippines and most recently in Albania. SMI restarted in Philadelphia in 2010.
  • Funding

    SMI is a non-profit ministry of Medical Campus Outreach in partnership with Esperanza Health Center with a broad-based network of support from individuals, foundations, and churches. While the SMI staff contact alumni and some former supporters, about half of the SMI’s budget comes from individuals whom faculty and student participants choose to contact. As part of the SMI experience, every student joins in the faith-building process of support raising, trusting God to raise $1,600.00 for their ministry. You are welcome to raise money, but it is not required. As a faculty member, you and your family’s weekday meals, local transportation and SMI materials are provided. However, if you are able to make a contribution to cover the cost of your housing (if needed) that would be appreciated. Checks need to be made out to Medical Campus Outreach with SMI/MCO on the memo line and sent to: MCO c/o CCHF, 2595 Central Ave Memphis, TN 38104 or donations may be made online. If you are unable to contribute towards housing costs please come anyway!
  • Malpractice

    During SMI we will be doing health screenings, not diagnosing. Although this does not eliminate all theoretical liability risk, it reasonably removes the practical need for medical malpractice insurance. Therefore, it is not necessary to have medical malpractice insurance to participate in SMI. You will not be covered under Esperanza’s malpractice coverage. You may check with your own malpractice carrier if they will cover you, but malpractice coverage is not necessary for SMI.
  • Hidden

    SMI and the Pandemic

    In 2023, we are aware that our program may be affected somewhat by the pandemic. During the most restrictive guidelines, as in the summer of 2020, faculty involvement was limited to teaching, speaking opportunities, etc. We expect to have this summer be a typical program. Please feel free to complete the application ahead of time and we will keep you updated with our faculty if we have any changes. Thank you!
  • SMI Year

  • Background Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please indicate your week of preference; while we believe that your experience will be more rewarding if you are able to participate for a week or over several days, we realize that many people’s schedules may not accommodate this. If availability during one week is not applicable, please let us know which day/date or combination of dates you may be available in the field below. Sundays are not outreach working days. Thank you!
  • Statement of Faith

    IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION! What a person believes is the foundation for both life and ministry. The following are Christian tenets to which the SMI leadership ascribes. If you disagree with any of these, please explain your differences in the paragraph field below.
  • 1. The Bible is inspired, authoritative; the Word of God. (2 Tim. 3:15-17) 2. There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (John 10:30) 3. These are central truths of the Christian faith: The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory. (Jn 1:1-5; Phil. 2:5-11, 1 Cor 15:1-6) 4. Believing in the person and work of Jesus Christ alone results in salvation; Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. (Titus 3:4-7; Eph. 2:8-9; John 14:6; Acts 4:12) 5. The Holy Spirit's present ministry and indwelling enables the Christian to live in fellowship with God. (Gal. 5:16-23; I John 1:3-4). In addition, the commitment of the Summer Medical Institute is “to serve and not to be served.” Serving in ministry means you sometimes submit to the needs of others even in areas of biblical freedom. Paul is a model of this (Romans 14 – 15:6). Serving with the SMI means you agree to the following: 1. I am willing to set aside personal preferences to fulfill the ministry of the SMI. 2. I understand there are variations in practice and understanding of Scripture in some areas of Christian living. In serving with SMI, I will abide by the standards of the SMI in all areas including dress, entertainment, activities, etc. This includes a willing agreement to abstain from the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco while present at SMI, and being sensitive to cultural, regional, church and SMI expectations and standards. 3. I will seek to provide excellent medical care and to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 4. BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, in the "Typed Signature" field, I indicate I am in agreement with all described statements (if there are any disagreements, please describe in the paragraph field directly below).
  • Acknowledgment of the Statement of Faith
  • SMI Faculty Releases

    If you are accepted, we will need you to sign a digital or physical copy of the releases below (Liability, Policy & Procedure, and Model Releases). For convenience, you can use the signature field below the text of theses releases to fulfill that obligation now. A copy of these forms will be sent to you for your records.
  • Liability Release

    **************************** READ BEFORE SIGNING ****************************

    BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, I release Esperanza Health Center, Medical Campus Outreach, Summer Medical Institute, and Bethel Temple, all of Philadelphia, and Christian Community Health Fellowship (hereinafter “Listed Organizations”) and their officers, agents, employees, principals, elders, ministry directors, project directors and any person or persons under their direction and control from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, loss or expense, loss or damage whatsoever imposed by law upon the Listed Organizations for my acts and/or omissions.

    I further hold the Listed Organizations harmless for, but not limited to, liability for transportation to and from the activities, the health screening activities themselves, and any activities taking place on the property of or sponsored by a Listed Organization. Furthermore, I promise not to initiate any action on my behalf seeking money damages for either acts or omissions of the Listed Organizations.

    I am voluntarily participating in the Summer Medical Institute or a Saturday Outreach and I am participating entirely at my own risk. I am aware of the risks associated with traveling to and from as well as participating in the Summer Medical Institute which may include, but are not limited to physical or psychological injury, illness, pain, suffering, disability, economic or emotional loss and death.

    I am also aware that I will be volunteering predominantly in a health center at the end of a pandemic. I will comply with the disease control measures of Esperanza Health Center and Summer Medical Institute Philadelphia which are the current CDC guidelines or Philadelphia City guidelines, whichever are stricter and use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment as advised. Nonetheless, despite taking appropriate precautions, I acknowledge that exposure to SARS-CoV-2 is a possibility any time during the Summer Medical Institute. I will not hold any of the Listed Organizations liable for contraction of the virus or any subsequent illness, injury or death that may occur.

    This Hold Harmless Agreement shall not apply to any Listed Organization's conduct which is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be grossly negligent, and/or constitute willful and/or intentional misconduct.

    This agreement is binding on all of my heirs, guardians, assigns, and anyone else who may have legal capacity to otherwise sue the Listed Organizations on my behalf.

    **************************** READ BEFORE SIGNING ****************************

    By my signature below, I agree to the above terms.

  • ________________________________________

  • Policy & Procedure Release

    All SMI / Saturday Outreach student and faculty participants, please read and sign below:

    1. As a participant in Summer Medical Institute (SMI) and/or its Saturday outreaches I understand that I am NOT to diagnose or treat illness. I am only to screen and advise.

    2. And the screens to be performed and the advice to be given will involve only those simple measurements and advice as delineated in the screening protocols approved by Esperanza Health Center.

    3. Our purpose is NOT to come between a screened person and their usual doctor or local ER/Urgent Care. Screened people who may need further care will be referred to their usual clinician, Esperanza Health Center if they need a "usual clinician" for routine management, their local Urgent Care/ER, or to 911 services. Unless in the setting of extreme illness/incapacity, the screened person needing further help will be responsible for follow through.

    4. As a participant in SMI/Saturday outreaches, I understand that except for my personal stethoscope, I must use the equipment provided. If the equipment does not function, I will not perform that particular screen until the equipment is repaired or replaced by SMI.

    5. I understand, on the day of the event, I will be oriented to the equipment and screening forms to be used and know the contact info for Esperanza staff to call if I have a question.

    6. I will not perform any tasks or screens that I have not been trained to do.

    7. Treatment, even by a licensed professional, is discouraged. Any treatment by a licensed professional is not covered by any professional insurance under Esperanza Health Center or Medical Campus Outreach/Christian Community Health Fellowship.

    I agree to work within the above parameters and indicate so by signing my name below.

  • ________________________________________

  • Digital Media Release

    This is a legal release for Medical Campus Outreach Philadelphia (hereafter MCO) to take and use photos and video in publicity materials. In consideration of my engagement as a model, upon the terms herewith stated, I hereby give MCO, MCO’s legal representatives and assigns, those for whom the MCO photographer is acting, and those acting with MCO’s authority and permission:

    1) the unrestricted right and permission to copyright and use, re-use, publish, and republish photographic portraits, video or pictures of me or in which I may be included intact or in part, composite or distorted in character or form, without restriction as to changes or transformations in conjunction with my own or a fictitious name, or reproduction hereof in color or otherwise, made through any and all media now or hereafter known for illustration, art, promotion, advertising, trade, or any other purpose whatsoever.

    2) I also permit the use of any printed material in connection therewith.

    3) I hereby relinquish any right that I may have to examine or approve the completed product or products or the advertising copy or printed matter that may be used in conjunction therewith or the use to which it may be applied.

    4) I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless MCO, MCO’s legal representatives and assigns, those for whom the MCO photographer is acting, and those acting with MCO’s authority and permission, from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking of said picture or in any subsequent processing thereof, as well as any publication thereof, including without limitation any claims for libel or invasion of privacy.

    5) I hereby affirm that I am over the age of majority and have the right to contract in my own name. I have read the above authorization, release and agreement, prior to its execution; I fully understand the contents thereof. This agreement shall be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

    *Personal information will not be made public.*

  • ________________________________________

  • Please sign below to accept the three releases above (Liability, Policy & Procedure, and Model Releases).

New Faculty Application

  • Introduction and Dates

    We are so glad that you are interested in joining the 2024 SMI Philadelphia Team. Please be sure to follow all the steps below to complete your application. SMI Philly will be June 15 - July 6 in 2024. Faculty Application Steps: • Read the SMI Faculty Information below • Complete a New Faculty Application. Application deadline: We prefer to have you apply by April 15, but if your work schedule is not provided until a later date, please complete the application and provide us with specific dates by 6/3/24.Thank you for your willingness to serve at SMI!
  • Mission and Overview

    The mission of the Philadelphia Summer Medical Institute is to serve the community through medical outreach and to also equip Christian health profession students (medical, nursing, dental, pharmacy, etc.) to understand the issues of urban health care in low-income communities, teach them to share and integrate biblical principles in their chosen career path and while living in community, to provide them with biblical discipleship and professional mentoring throughout the three week program, ultimately providing them with the tools to impact their communities for Jesus Christ. The SMI is a three-week-long medical outreach for the community and program that teaches students how to integrate faith and career, providing life-changing training and experiences to its participants. Through workshops led by visiting faculty, discipleship groups, bible study, and personal application time, students develop a deeper understanding of biblical medicine while growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ and with their peers. The “lab practicum” is a medical outreach campaign to North Philadelphia. We will be spending the majority of each week going door to door in the community, but will also devote time to theological and ministry training. The summer begins with orientation and training in the areas of health care delivery, research protocol, and cultural issues. While final details are still being worked out, we will most likely be offering hypertension screenings, diabetes risk assessments and body mass index screenings, as well as integrated healthcare training. Integrated into our health survey are questions assessing spiritual needs. These often lead to opportunities to share about God's love and the Gospel. Together with local churches, SMI participants also take part in the spiritual follow-up of the families served, ensuring that those most interested connect with local churches for further spiritual care. We hope that faculty will be part of the door-to-door outreach and the medical and evangelism orientations that we will provide. We also hope that you will "hang out" with the students as much as possible and so participate in life-on-life mentorship and discipleship. You and your families are invited to join us at all meals and weekly activities (although it may not be advisable to take younger children on working outreaches, please talk with the director about this). If you would like to give a talk or lead a study on a certain issue please let us know that as well.
  • SMI 2023 Results

    Praise God for all the participants were able to do in 2023! The students were able to participate in many aspects of serving the community. In the neighborhood, the SMI team knocked on 1,913 doors were knocked on, 545 individuals were screened or prayed with, 47 people requested church follow-up, and one prayed to receive Christ.
  • History

    SMI began in 1992 when 35 students primarily from the Medical College of Georgia came to Philadelphia to invest their summer in growing in their faith in Christ while serving the medical and spiritual needs of the North Philadelphia community. Working in partnership with local churches and Esperanza Health Center, an indigenous, non-profit, Christian health center with an aggressive outreach within the Latino community, the SMI addressed in Philly many different medical and spiritual needs over the course of nine summers. SMI participants visited more than 66,000 homes in nine summers in Philadelphia and provided 17,000 immunizations and hundreds of screenings for lead, anemia, diabetes, hypertension and HIV. Participants also saw God bring many people into a relationship with Himself, with thousands more hearing the Gospel and discussing spiritual things. After nine summers in North Philadelphia, the SMI moved to the Rio Grande Valley in 2001. This SMI involved a multifaceted approach to training including a community-based health education and outreach campaign on both sides of the U.S. Mexico border. Since 1992, more than 600 students have graduated from SMI Philadelphia (and another 1,490 from other SMI-styled projects) and have served in more than 50 countries around the world. A vision of the SMI has been to reproduce similar projects around the world and God has raised up people to accomplish this. In recent years there have been similar projects in Augusta, Chicago, Dallas, Peru, San Bernardino, Vancouver, WA, Venezuela, Indonesia, Kenya, Bangladesh, Philippines and most recently in Albania. The SMI restarted in Philadelphia in 2010.
  • Funding

    SMI is a non-profit ministry of Medical Campus Outreach in partnership with Esperanza Health Center with a broad-based network of support from individuals, foundations, and churches. While the SMI staff contact alumni and some former supporters, about half of the SMI’s budget comes from individuals whom faculty and student participants choose to contact. As part of the SMI experience, every student joins in the faith-building process of support raising, trusting God to raise $1,600.00 for their ministry. You are welcome to raise money, but it is not required. As a faculty member, you and your family’s weekday meals, local transportation and SMI materials are provided. However, if you are able to make a contribution to cover the cost of your housing (if needed) that would be appreciated. Checks need to be made out to Medical Campus Outreach with SMI/MCO on the memo line and sent to: MCO c/o CCHF, 2595 Central Ave Memphis, TN 38104 or donations may be made online. If you are unable to contribute towards housing costs please come anyway!
  • Malpractice

    During SMI we will be doing health screenings, not diagnosing. Although this does not eliminate all theoretical liability risk, it reasonably removes the practical need for medical malpractice insurance. Therefore, it is not necessary to have medical malpractice insurance to participate in SMI. You will not be covered under Esperanza’s malpractice coverage. You may check with your own malpractice carrier if they will cover you, but malpractice coverage is not necessary for SMI.
  • Hidden

    SMI and the Pandemic

    In 2023, we are aware that our program may be affected somewhat by the pandemic. During the most restrictive guidelines, as in the summer of 2020, faculty involvement was limited to teaching, speaking opportunities, etc. We expect to have this summer be a typical program. Please feel free to complete the application ahead of time and we will keep you updated with our faculty if we have any changes. Thank you!
  • SMI Year

  • Background Information

  • Please indicate your week of preference; while we believe that your experience will be more rewarding if you are able to participate for a week or over several days, we realize that many people’s schedules may not accommodate this. If availability during one week is not applicable, please let us know which day/date or combination of dates you may be available in the field below. Sundays are not outreach working days. Thank you!
  • Short Answer

  • References

  • Statement of Faith

    IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION! What a person believes is the foundation for both life and ministry. The following are Christian tenets to which the SMI leadership ascribes. If you disagree with any of these, please explain your differences in the paragraph field below.
  • 1. The Bible is inspired, authoritative; the Word of God. (2 Tim. 3:15-17) 2. There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (John 10:30) 3. These are central truths of the Christian faith: The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory. (Jn 1:1-5; Phil. 2:5-11, 1 Cor 15:1-6) 4. Believing in the person and work of Jesus Christ alone results in salvation; Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. (Titus 3:4-7; Eph. 2:8-9; John 14:6; Acts 4:12) 5. The Holy Spirit's present ministry and indwelling enables the Christian to live in fellowship with God. (Gal. 5:16-23; I John 1:3-4). In addition, the commitment of the Summer Medical Institute is “to serve and not to be served.” Serving in ministry means you sometimes submit to the needs of others even in areas of biblical freedom. Paul is a model of this (Romans 14 – 15:6). Serving with the SMI means you agree to the following: 1. I am willing to set aside personal preferences to fulfill the ministry of the SMI. 2. I understand there are variations in practice and understanding of Scripture in some areas of Christian living. In serving with SMI, I will abide by the standards of the SMI in all areas including dress, entertainment, activities, etc. This includes a willing agreement to abstain from the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco while present at SMI, and being sensitive to cultural, regional, church and SMI expectations and standards. 3. I will seek to provide excellent medical care and to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 4. BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, in the "Typed Signature" field, I indicate I am in agreement with all described statements (if there are any disagreements, please describe in the paragraph field directly below).
  • Acknowledgment of the Statement of Faith
  • SMI Faculty Releases

    If you are accepted, we will need you to sign a digital or physical copy of the releases below (Liability, Policy & Procedure, and Model Releases). For convenience, you can use the signature field below the text of theses releases to fulfill that obligation now. A copy of these forms will be sent to you for your records.
  • Liability Release

    **************************** READ BEFORE SIGNING ****************************

    BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, I release Esperanza Health Center, Medical Campus Outreach, Summer Medical Institute, and Bethel Temple, all of Philadelphia, and Christian Community Health Fellowship (hereinafter “Listed Organizations”) and their officers, agents, employees, principals, elders, ministry directors, project directors and any person or persons under their direction and control from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, loss or expense, loss or damage whatsoever imposed by law upon the Listed Organizations for my acts and/or omissions.

    I further hold the Listed Organizations harmless for, but not limited to, liability for transportation to and from the activities, the health screening activities themselves, and any activities taking place on the property of or sponsored by a Listed Organization. Furthermore, I promise not to initiate any action on my behalf seeking money damages for either acts or omissions of the Listed Organizations.

    I am voluntarily participating in the Summer Medical Institute or a Saturday Outreach and I am participating entirely at my own risk. I am aware of the risks associated with traveling to and from as well as participating in the Summer Medical Institute which may include, but are not limited to physical or psychological injury, illness, pain, suffering, disability, economic or emotional loss and death.

    I am also aware that I will be volunteering predominantly in a health center at the end of a pandemic. I will comply with the disease control measures of Esperanza Health Center and Summer Medical Institute Philadelphia which are the current CDC guidelines or Philadelphia City guidelines, whichever are stricter and use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment as advised. Nonetheless, despite taking appropriate precautions, I acknowledge that exposure to SARS-CoV-2 is a possibility any time during the Summer Medical Institute. I will not hold any of the Listed Organizations liable for contraction of the virus or any subsequent illness, injury or death that may occur.

    This Hold Harmless Agreement shall not apply to any Listed Organization's conduct which is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be grossly negligent, and/or constitute willful and/or intentional misconduct.

    This agreement is binding on all of my heirs, guardians, assigns, and anyone else who may have legal capacity to otherwise sue the Listed Organizations on my behalf.

    **************************** READ BEFORE SIGNING ****************************

    By my signature below, I agree to the above terms.

  • ________________________________________

  • Policy & Procedure Release

    All SMI / Saturday Outreach student and faculty participants, please read and sign below:

    1. As a participant in Summer Medical Institute (SMI) and/or its Saturday outreaches I understand that I am NOT to diagnose or treat illness. I am only to screen and advise.

    2. And the screens to be performed and the advice to be given will involve only those simple measurements and advice as delineated in the screening protocols approved by Esperanza Health Center.

    3. Our purpose is NOT to come between a screened person and their usual doctor or local ER/Urgent Care. Screened people who may need further care will be referred to their usual clinician, Esperanza Health Center if they need a "usual clinician" for routine management, their local Urgent Care/ER, or to 911 services. Unless in the setting of extreme illness/incapacity, the screened person needing further help will be responsible for follow through.

    4. As a participant in SMI/Saturday outreaches, I understand that except for my personal stethoscope, I must use the equipment provided. If the equipment does not function, I will not perform that particular screen until the equipment is repaired or replaced by SMI.

    5. I understand, on the day of the event, I will be oriented to the equipment and screening forms to be used and know the contact info for Esperanza staff to call if I have a question.

    6. I will not perform any tasks or screens that I have not been trained to do.

    7. Treatment, even by a licensed professional, is discouraged. Any treatment by a licensed professional is not covered by any professional insurance under Esperanza Health Center or Medical Campus Outreach/Christian Community Health Fellowship.

    I agree to work within the above parameters and indicate so by signing my name below.

  • ________________________________________

  • Digital Media Release

    This is a legal release for Medical Campus Outreach Philadelphia (hereafter MCO) to take and use photos and video in publicity materials. In consideration of my engagement as a model, upon the terms herewith stated, I hereby give MCO, MCO’s legal representatives and assigns, those for whom the MCO photographer is acting, and those acting with MCO’s authority and permission:

    1) the unrestricted right and permission to copyright and use, re-use, publish, and republish photographic portraits, video or pictures of me or in which I may be included intact or in part, composite or distorted in character or form, without restriction as to changes or transformations in conjunction with my own or a fictitious name, or reproduction hereof in color or otherwise, made through any and all media now or hereafter known for illustration, art, promotion, advertising, trade, or any other purpose whatsoever.

    2) I also permit the use of any printed material in connection therewith.

    3) I hereby relinquish any right that I may have to examine or approve the completed product or products or the advertising copy or printed matter that may be used in conjunction therewith or the use to which it may be applied.

    4) I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless MCO, MCO’s legal representatives and assigns, those for whom the MCO photographer is acting, and those acting with MCO’s authority and permission, from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking of said picture or in any subsequent processing thereof, as well as any publication thereof, including without limitation any claims for libel or invasion of privacy.

    5) I hereby affirm that I am over the age of majority and have the right to contract in my own name. I have read the above authorization, release and agreement, prior to its execution; I fully understand the contents thereof. This agreement shall be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

    *Personal information will not be made public.*

  • ________________________________________

  • Please sign below to accept the three releases above (Liability, Policy & Procedure, and Model Releases).

“You then, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”  (2 Timothy 2:2)