I’m still pinching myself to be sure I’m really at SMI.
It was several years ago when I first heard about this outreach, and I want to thank all the people who encouraged me to do it this year – it has been fantastic!
One part I like most about SMI is the challenge to think critically about how the gospel applies to me and to the people I am serving in this neighborhood. On the surface, we may look different, have different socioeconomic backgrounds, speak different languages, and see life differently. But deep down, beneath the surface, we share a common need – to be connected to our loving Heavenly Father – to recognize the sins in our lives that separate us from God – to receive forgiveness through Jesus – to experience healing and abundant life.
This morning we were given time to have a personal retreat and reflect on what the Lord has been teaching us from outreaches and dinner speakers this week. I took the opportunity to dig deeper into the theological concepts that have been on my mind (and that have come up in discussions with others at SMI!). The Lord reminded me that the gospel is not an intellectual exercise; He’s a Person. During the afternoon outreach, I found it easier to connect with people on a spiritual level, asking about their spiritual needs and their understanding of the gospel.
One house we visited was home to two children and their young mother, who was widowed last month. I could hardly imagine what it would be like to walk in her shoes for a day. She and her friend asked for health screenings. Once the screenings were complete, we shared gospel story books with her little children who were eager to read them, and who then wanted to listen to their own heart beat using our stethoscopes. When we rose to leave, we circled up to pray with them. In the midst of such a trying time, we had the privilege of reminding this family that God cares about them. They were so grateful. This is why the gospel applies to people of all backgrounds and socioeconomic levels – because it is about a Person coming to be with us in our suffering, regardless of where we live or what is going on in your life.
I’m so grateful for the opportunity to practice sharing my faith while offering health screenings. I’m even more excited to explore the practical ways the gospel applies to my life and to the lives of the people in this neighborhood. Thank you for your prayers. Please keep them coming!
Post by Melody Linton