SMI Student Application

Above: The SMI 2023 team along with SMI faculty and interpreters preparing to head out for door-to-door health screenings.

SMI Philadelphia Student Application

June 21 – July 12, 2025


Thank you for your interest in applying to the Philadelphia Summer Medical Institute! Please fill out the form below and submit it by March 1 to receive a decision by March 15. Those interested in securing your summer plans early may apply “early decision” by a deadline of February 1 to receive a decision by February 15. If it is past the deadline and you wish to apply for 2025, we will consider that! Please email [email protected] to discuss.

Note that each application is not complete without two letters of recommendation, one professional and one personal, sent to the SMI Program Director (details for each recommendation are included in the application form).

Finally, this application is web-based and may not be saved once you start it, and is not saved until it is submitted. You can leave it open on your screen as long as you are working on it. Because of the length of the form, you may find it easier to read through the form, compose the short answer questions in a separate document, and cut and paste them into the fields to prevent them from being lost if the application tab is inadvertently closed.

Please feel free to email any questions at any point in your application process to the SMI Program Director. 

  • Personal Information

  • If accepted, this photo will be used for your clinic badge. Please submit a clear, professional-looking, individual photo of yourself.
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Family and Church Information

  • Background Information

  • References

    Two letters of recommendation are required to complete the application, personal and professional. The personal recommendation should be from someone who knows you well and can comment on the benefits of your participation in SMI. This could be a Bible study leader, pastor, close friend, SMI alum, etc. The professional recommendation should be someone who is familiar with your calling and abilities in the health professions. This could be a dean, professor, pre-med advisor, mentor in your field, family friend, etc. Although we don't have a set form for these, information that may be helpful to include is listed here: 1) in what context they've known you 2) how long they've known you 3) information and examples regarding your commitment to your faith (for personal reference; for the professional reference, only if applicable) 4) information and specific examples illustrating the character traits delineated below, or others that you are strong in. For the personal recommendation, qualities to comment on may include accountability, integrity, compassion, correctability, perseverance, respect for others, listening skills, patience, humility, relational skills. For the professional reference, qualities to comment on may include workplace skills/aptitude/knowledge, work ethic, responsibility, correctability, punctuality, accountability, respect for others, relational skills/ability to work with others, dedication, creativity, initiative, etc. Please have your letters of recommendation sent directly to the Summer Program Director at [email protected] by 3/1/25 or by 2/1/25 for those applying early decision (email is preferable with contact address and phone included on the recommendation, but if necessary, may also be sent by mail to Laura Layer, c/o MCO, 1701 Delancey St, Philadelphia, PA 19103).
  • Short Answer Questions and Commitments

  • Instructions and Signature

    1. All applications are subject to approval by the SMI Applications Committee. 2. If participating, you will be required to document that you have received three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine and are up to date on all vaccinations in order to participate in SMI. If you have not received this vaccine series or all necessary vaccinations, please begin to do so. Please include a copy of your COVID vaccine as well (there is a waiver for COVID vaccination available at the discretion of Esperanza Health Center). You will also be required to submit a background check/security clearance. 3. Acceptance notices will be sent out no later than February 15 for early applicants and March 15 for those who apply by the regular deadline. 4. Applying does not commit you to SMI. If accepted, you must submit your Commitment Form within 10 days of receiving your acceptance and pay your non-refundable $150 deposit to reserve your place. Checks can be made out to CCHF with SMI/MCO on the memo line or online payment will be available.
  • Agreement Form

    IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ THIS PAGE BEFORE YOU SIGN: What a person believes is the foundation for both life and ministry. The following are Christian tenets to which the Philadelphia Summer Medical Institute (SMI) leadership ascribes. If you disagree with any of these, please explain your differences on a separate sheet. 1. The Bible is inspired, authoritative; the Word of God. (2 Tim. 3:15-17) 2. There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (John 10:30) 3. These are central truths of the Christian faith: The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory. (Jn. 1:1-5; Phil. 2:5-11, 1 Cor. 15:1-6) 4. Believing in the person and work of Jesus Christ alone results in salvation; Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. (Titus 3:4-7; Eph. 2:8-9; John 14:6; Acts 4:12) 5. The Holy Spirit's present ministry and indwelling enables Christians to live in fellowship with God. (Gal. 5:16-23; I John 1:3-4) The commitment of the Summer Medical Institute is “to serve and not to be served.” Serving in ministry means you sometimes submit to the needs of others even in areas of biblical freedom. Paul is a model of this (Romans 14 – 15:6). Serving with the SMI means you agree to the following: 1. I am willing to set aside personal preferences, habits and schedules to fulfill the ministry of the SMI. 2. I understand there are variations in practice and understanding of Scripture in some areas of Christian living. In serving with SMI, I will abide by the standards of the SMI in all areas including dress, entertainment, activities, etc. This includes a willing agreement to abstain from the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco for the duration of the SMI, and to be sensitive to cultural, regional, church and SMI expectations and standards. 3. I will seek to provide excellent medical screening to God’s glory and to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The student support for participating in the SMI 2025 is anticipated to be $1750 with housing provided (less the $150 deposit), which is tax deductible if you itemize deductions. Many students choose to raise support to cover this cost. If you choose to support raise, we can provide sample letters, forms and guidelines to help you. Please note: if you support raise, you are still responsible for the entire $1750. 1. If accepted to the SMI, I understand that I am responsible for the student participation cost, due June 11, even if I choose to support raise. I understand that this payment is required to participate in the SMI. 2. I understand that there is a non-refundable $150 deposit due when I submit my acceptance letter. Checks should be mailed and made out to Medical Campus Outreach and with SMI Philly/MCO on the memo line. This amount will be deducted from the $1750 participation cost. Please include a note saying who the deposit is for. 3. I understand that if I choose to support raise and receive more than $1750 in donations, any excess in donations will be used for other expenses of the SMI program that are not covered by the student participation amount, and cannot be refunded. All participant donations, whether student deposit or support fundraising, become the restricted assets of Christian Community Health Fellowship (CCHF) and designated for Medical Campus Outreach Philadelphia (MCO). MCO and SMI Philadelphia are ministries of CCHF. 4. I understand that I cannot support raise for my personal expenses outside of my needed costs for participation in SMI, except for travel expenses to/from Philadelphia, by PRE-ARRANGEMENT with CCHF.