One of our goals is to connect students and professionals with resources to help them integrate their faith and medical practice. Check out our library of recommended resources, our “speaker’s bureau” of Philadelphia-area physicians who are willing to speak at campus Bible studies, our audio and video recordings of recent events and more!
Campus Leaders Only Resources
MCO keeps a list of Philadelphia-area physicians and healthcare providers who are willing to speak at campus Bible studies or special retreats. We also support campus Bible studies in many other ways. Bible study leaders may access all these features under the password-protected page linked here. To receive the password please contact us.
Medical Campus Outreach Lending Library
You can click on the downloads below to search MCO’s entire library by author last name or by subject. You can also select to just browse the audio/visual library. All of the books and audio/visual materials are housed at Tenth Presbyterian Church in the basement library and available for checkout by contacting us or after any Sunday service.
Events and Summer Medical Institute Training
MCO is pleased to present audio or video recordings of many of the CityWide events, Healthcare Fellowship Lunch presentations, and Summer Medical Institute training sessions. You can find these resources listed on our Audio and Video pages (linked below).
Audio Resources
MCO’s library of audio files
Video Library
Events and Trainings
SMI Videos
SMI Training Sessions
Healthcare Bible Study
In 2000, the Summer Medical Institute and the Center for the Reformation of Medicine published A Sure Foundation: Constructing a New Paradigm for Modern Medicine by Patrick N. Pulliam, MD. Copyright 2000 by the Summer Medical Institute and the Center for the Reformation of Medicine. This seven-part study is suitable for groups of students or healthcare professionals.
Announcements & News
The following news items are things which we think may be of interest to you. MCO may not be directly involved with each posting but we are passing along the information as a resource to help you.

Need Housing?
Need housing starting this summer? Come and live at Medical Campus Outreach’s women’s or men’s ministry houses with other healthcare students and professionals. The houses foster community and discipleship. Rent is inexpensive, and the houses are in the Roxborough section of Philadelphia close to major highways and regional rail and bus lines. Contact Laura for the women’s house and Justin for the men’s house. Graduate healthcare students preferred, but others will be considered.
Join Our Mailing List
One of the best resources is information. Use the form below to sign up for our mailing list to receive the latest communications from MCO regarding events and outreaches.
So you think God may be calling you to short-term or long-term service in an underserved region around the world–what do you do next?
Check out different outreaches! Talk with people who have served in the same or similar regions. Start praying together about how you can be a part of God’s work in his world! Here are a few good connections to start:

World Medical Mission, a branch of Samaritan’s Purse International. In addition to short-term opportunities in hospitals all over the world, WMM offers a two-year Post-Residency Program in hospitals all throughout the world. Experienced physicians mentor new attendings–medically and spiritually. WMM provides many helpful services to its post-residency participants that help them prepare for their next steps. offers many resources and links to agencies. Upcoming conferences, free lectures from past conferences, and a database of agencies–this is a fantastic resource!

Interserve, whose US office is based locally in Upper Darby, sends medical and other Christ-following professionals to work in Asia and the Arab World. Its 165-year history gives it deeps roots, allowing it to offer supervised medical electives and internships to students in the last year of their training. It has scholarships available for students going to India, Bangladesh, or Pakistan. Originally founded by women to serve impoverished women, Interserve now has Partners from more than 37 nations working together to make Christ known through whole-life ministry.