And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel. Ephesians 6:19
Yesterday, as we gathered together after a long morning of door-to-door outreach, many different experiences were shared. As I listened to everyone’s story I realized that there had been a large amount of closed doors. Many of us had recognized this and prayed about it before heading back to the streets after lunch. As we continued going door-to-door it was evident that God had answered our prayers.
Today, before heading to the streets, we prayed again for open doors and receptive hearts.
This afternoon, my group and I were welcomed into a young woman’s house. Surrounded by playing children, my partner began the woman’s health screens. A few minutes later a family friend entered the room. Our interpreter began to speak to this woman and asked if she would like her blood pressure and blood glucose to be tested. Right away she began to clear the dining room table so that we could begin.
After I finished the health screens, I began the spiritual assessment. I asked, “Have you ever accepted Christ as your Savior?” She openly told us that she had accepted Christ a few years ago. Not knowing where I should go with the conversation, I paused and completed some of the paperwork. After a moment of silence, the interpreter pulled a Gospel tract out of his pocket and began to explain salvation to her.
After intently listening to the conversation hoping to understand some of the Spanish words that were being spoken, the interpreter told me that this young woman wanted to confirm her relationship with Christ. Knowing that the interpreter had begun a meaningful relationship with this young lady, we decided it would be best for him to lead her in prayer. As we prayed she began to cry, which showed us that her prayer was genuine.
After having a few hours to think and process everything that had happened, I realized my lack of boldness. Boldness can be described as a willingness and eagerness to face danger or adventure with a sense of confidence and fearlessness. Today’s events showed me that there is a fear or lack of confidence in many Christians, including myself, that must be overcome in order to “make known the mystery of the gospel.”
I pray that we as Christians would continue to grow in our faith and boldness in the Lord.