When Susan Post came to speak with us a few days ago, she made a very interesting point that has been on my mind. She said that even though God could essentially solve all the world’s problems in one breath, He chooses to work through us over time because He is a relational God. Understanding God’s character gives us a glimpse into what His will is for us. Since our God is a relational God, He wants a personal and intimate relationship with us.
During our evangelism training, we were taught that it is not enough that people understand and accept that they have sinned. They also need to trust and believe that God has forgiven them and receive Christ into their heart. In the same way, merely understanding God’s character is not enough. We need to also TRUST in God’s character and believe that He will complete the work He has started in us (Philippians 1:6).
HE will complete the work. There is very little I have that would qualify me as “equipped” for this SMI journey. I don’t have years of training in mission fields or a biblical degree under my belt. I don’t even have a college degree yet. All I have to lean on is the wondrous power of God. Complete dependence on God is something that I have begun to experience here at SMI. I never know what will happen next and I can never be fully prepared for what God reveals to me. But the amazing thing about depending on God in everything is that you begin to see God in everything. From our prayer time, our door-to-door outreach, our free time, our meals, our conversations, God is there and is working and is providing an environment for our spiritual growth. Let’s allow God to fill every aspect of our lives so that His presence and glory may be revealed to us and the rest of the world.
Understand God’s character. Trust God’s character.
Depend on God in everything. God revealed in everything.